Being a mama comes with several responsibilities. Among the many different responsibilities that a mama has to fulfill, one of them has to be always being prepared. After all, being a mama is a 24/7 kind of job, so you’ll always have to be ready for anything.
There are several ways that a mama can always be prepared. However, one of the most common ways one can be prepared for her baby’s needs would be with what she packs in their diaper bag.
To many, a diaper bag is simply for diapers and your baby’s diapering needs. However, to a mama, it can be one of the most invaluable things they can bring around with them wherever they go. This is because bags like this can fit in so much more than just diapers.
With that in mind, we at edamama want to help you be as prepared as you can be by helping you make the most out of your baby’s diaper bag. More specifically, we’ll help you figure out what essentials you need to keep in that bag so you’ll always be prepared for anything! So, read on!
The Humble Diaper Bag
As the name implies, diaper bags are meant to contain your baby’s diapers and other diaper-related needs. However, these bags are also relatively sizeable, which makes them perfect to hold other things too. As such, many mamas utilize all this extra room and make this diaper bag into something more!
Just like with tools, a diaper bag is useful when used right. While diapers are supposedly one of the things that go in it, it can also contain a whole host of other items. This makes it a perfect tool for a mama to utilize, especially if she loves being prepared for anything.
With that in mind, we’re here to show you what you can put in your baby’s diaper bag and maximize all the space it has! That way, you hit multiple birds with one stone and ensure that you’ll have whatever you need when you need it whenever you’re out with your baby!
Must-Haves for That Bag
Before we go ahead and give you what we think should be things you have in your baby’s diaper bag, we’ll fill you in on what to expect on this list. We’ll be dividing the items into three categories. That way, you’ll know what items are for what, and so it’s also easier for you to organize the bag!
Now that that’s out of the way, here are the items we believe are must-haves for your baby’s diaper bag!
Diapering Essentials
1. Diapers
Of course, this wouldn’t be a diaper bag without diapers. So, it’s only right that you pack a couple of diapers. These Huggies diapers are a perfect example of what you can pack. They’re tried and tested and sure to come in handy during those little emergencies.
2. Wipes
Along with the diapers, you should also pack some wipes. This, too, should go without saying. You’ll need these for all sorts of things. From wiping your baby’s bottom while you’re changing their diapers to cleaning surfaces or wiping your hands, these will definitely come in handy. Uni-Love’s unscented baby wipes will be a perfect example of wipes to have on-hand! They’re perfect for your baby’s sensitive skin and still effective enough to clean what needs to be cleaned.
3. Diaper Cream
Another thing that’s a must-have for your diapering needs would be a diaper cream. You’ll never know when your baby might get a rash from wearing their diaper (or rashes in general). That’s why it’s good to have these creams in handy just in case they were to happen. You can at least be sure to give your child some instant relief should they get a rash out of nowhere. Biolane’s Dermo-Pediatric rash cream is a perfect one to have for those instances.
4. Changing Mat
You never know when your baby’s going to need a change. That’s why it’s also good to be prepared in case you need to make a change on the fly. This changing mat from Bao Bei PH is a perfect mat to have in the diaper bag. Not only is it soft and with an absorbent later, but it’s also easy to wash and dry!
Fortunately, this sleeveless onesie from bean gives your baby all the comfort of a onesie without the risk of irritating their skin. What’s more, it’s also made of cotton spandex, which is both breathable and soft enough to ensure your baby will love wearing this!
For Baby
5. Extra Clothes
Much like how you can’t predict when your baby might have an accident, you also can’t tell when those accidents will be incredibly messy or not. When they do get messy, though, it might warrant a change of clothes. That’s why it’s also important to keep an extra change of clothes for them in case something like that were to happen. Fortunately, this bean clothing set is good enough for them to wear outside and for just about any occasion!
6. Towel
It’s also important to pack a towel or two for your baby, and for many reasons. For example, your baby may end up making a mess while eating. So, they may need to clean themselves up. They could also be playing and end up getting sweaty. Whatever the case, a towel will always come in handy. Thankfully, these terry cloth towels from Cotton Central are perfect for these things.
7. Toys
Whenever you’re out, you’ll also have to prepare for the possibility that your child may get bored. Should that happen, it would be good to have something to keep them entertained. One perfect way to do this would be to keep a toy packed. This book-and-teether combo by Infantino is a great example of a toy that might keep your little one entertained for those occasions!
8. Extra Bottle and Milk
There’s no denying that your baby will get hungry at some point while you’re out. That’s why it’s good to be prepared for this too. You can do this by packing a bottle with water and some formula so you can mix it together when your baby wants to eat. Fortunately, this bottle and milk container from Fisher Price can come in handy for those exact moments!
For Mama
9. Nursing Cover
If your baby’s still breastfeeding exclusively, finding a place to breastfeed on the fly might be a little difficult. Fortunately, there are nursing covers to help make things a little more convenient. Not only do they provide you and your baby with some privacy while you’re feeding, but they’re also easy to throw on when you need it. These nursing covers by Little K are perfect for this as they’re much like ponchos you can put on with ease! It’s another perfect addition to the diaper bag.
10. Rubbing Alcohol
Having a spray bottle of alcohol will always come in handy. However, for a mama, it’s probably also one of the most essential things you can have in your baby’s diaper bag. Not only can it help keep your hands, and your baby’s, clean. But, it can also come in handy when you need to clean a surface or things like your phone should it get dirty for whatever reason. Either way, having rubbing alcohol will surely come in handy for a mama. This is why having a spray bottle like the one from Cleene will always make a great addition to the bag.
This whole article consists of essentials that you should have in your baby bag. However, this isn’t to say that you can’t put anything else in the bag. These are just things that we believe you need to have. There’s still a lot of room for adjustment or additions as every mama and their baby will have different needs too. Whatever the case, let this list serve as a guide for you when it comes to putting together your baby’s diaper bag. Feel free to add more, make adjustments to this list, and put together the bag that’s perfect for you! At the end of the day, what matters most is that you know you’re prepared for virtually anything you or your baby might need when you’re out.