Ask kids what for them is love, and they have a thousand things to say.
For a child, love is in the little things: how their papa patiently teaches them how to ride a bike, how their mama ensures they have milk to dunk their cookies in, how their dog wags its tail in excitement when they get home from school, how their siblings laugh at their silly jokes.
As they grow up and learn things, they discover love through how their parents love and care for them. But here’s something couples might not realize: children also learn and recognize what true and unconditional love is by seeing how their parents love and treat each other.
Love will be the foundation of everything your little one will do in life — and who best to show them what that is than those in their innermost circle of influence: their papa and mama! How many times have you heard that modeling by example is still the best way to instill values and learnings in children?
So how do you teach your little one about love through the way you treat your spouse or partner? It’s also in the little things, papa and mama.
1. Complimenting each other
Your words have more power than you think. By saying nice and appreciative words toward your partner, you are making them feel seen and valued. It shows that you do not take each other for granted. And when your kid sees this, they understand that expressing their feelings through words is important in keeping a relationship healthy and happy.
2. Hugging and kissing each other
A little public display of affection can have a positive impact on your child. When they see their parents kiss each other goodbye when they go to work or comfort each other through hugs, they understand that physical touch is also one way to express love.
3. Doing things for each other
Get them to learn that love entails doing thoughtful and sweet gestures toward your loved one. When mama says “Let’s bake cookies for Papa” or when papa invites the kids to clean up the house so mama can rest and relax, you are teaching them that love goes beyond words. Sometimes, they are in the things — big and small — we do for the people we adore.
4. Going on dates
This one may be a little challenging because it’s difficult to leave your little one at home with a caretaker. But you have to remember that going on dates is part of you keeping your marriage or relationship strong. When you go on romantic dates, you show your child that spending time as a couple is key to strengthening the bond. .
5. Saying sorry to each other
It’s inevitable for couples to fight, but what’s important is that your child sees that you sort through your differences and restore peace and harmony in your relationship. When they see you eat humble pie and apologize after an argument, they learn by example that love is about valuing the relationship more than your egos.
So should you show affection in front of your child? Yes, definitely!