It’s no secret that there are ups and downs to every pregnancy, especially when it comes to feeling a wide variety of emotions. While some mamas are lucky enough to feel nothing but good vibes throughout their pregnancy, there are many others who go through a roller coaster of emotions before the arrival of their little one.
Pregnancy brings about a wide range of emotions, and it differs for many mamas. While some are over the moon and flowing with happiness, there are also some who don’t exactly feel their best. However you feel, do know that you’re not alone, mama, and your feelings are normal and valid.
Here are seven emotions that most mamas feel throughout their pregnancy, and here’s your friendly reminder that these are absolutely normal emotions, mama! Sit with your emotions, feel them, and accept them for what they are.

1. Excited
Being pregnant is special – you’re about to bring to life another human, and that’s something to celebrate and feel excited about! While some mamas feel the excitement right when they discover they’re pregnant, there are also others who admitted that it took time for the excitement to set in.
Feeling excited is a very normal pregnancy emotion, and while it comes and goes, it’s a special emotion meant to be savored while it lasts.

2. Worried
Many mamas note that their anxiety is highest during the first trimester, when their bodies were still experiencing hormone changes. However, pregnancy anxiety can kick in any time.
Whenever you feel worried, talk about it to ease your mind. Don’t bottle it in, and find a way to release it so that you feel better. Try to find something to do to take your mind off of your worries, and think happy thoughts!

3. Empowered
Being pregnant can be such an empowering time. You’re carrying life inside of you – there’s nothing possibly more empowering than knowing that! It’s also nice to feel empowered during pregnancy, because then you’re able to make confident decisions about you and your little one.

4. Joyful
Pregnancy hormones can cause you to feel constantly happy, but feeling pure joy about how life has played out is a common pregnancy emotion felt by many mamas.
One mama shared how beautiful it was for her to be surrounded by all of her loved ones during Sunday lunch a couple of weeks before giving birth, only for her to stop and look around. “So this is what joy is – to be surrounded by so much love,” she said.

5. Grateful
Pregnancy comes with many challenges, and there are days when it might be difficult to feel grateful. However, gratefulness is still a common emotion that mamas feel throughout pregnancy, oftentimes multiplying greatly after birth.
It’s a beautiful thing to acknowledge all the blessings you’ve received, and feeling grateful can radiate a certain positivity in you that will draw in more good vibes and blessings. Like Chance the Rapper said: “when the praises go up, the blessings come down.”

6. Impatient
Feeling impatient especially during the third trimester is a fairly common feeling. Days feel endless, especially when you know you’re almost at the finish line.
While most of the time you can’t wait to get pregnancy over with to finally be with your little one, it’s also nice to savor every moment before they come. Make the most out of your time with your partner, or savor the moments you can spend alone. Because in a couple of weeks, you’re about to embark on an entirely new journey, and it will never be the same (in a good way!)

7. Inspired
There’s so much radiating positivity and hope when you’re pregnant, and it can bring so much inspiration in so many aspects of your life. Many mamas feel inspired to do different things thanks to their little one, from starting a “momfluencer” journey, to starting a new fitness routine, and even starting a new business! The inspiration that your little one brings is endless, and it’s up to you to make something good out of it.
No matter how you feel throughout your pregnancy, always remember that there’s no right or wrong way to feel. You don’t always have to feel positive – it’s okay to feel sad, or lonely, or worried. However, if you do feel happy and joyful the entire way, there’s nothing wrong with that either.
Whatever point you’re at, embrace it, mama. It’s okay to feel. Just don’t forget to talk about your feelings with your mama tribe should you feel the need to, and always remember that it’s okay to ask for help whenever you need it.