For many mamas, giving birth can be seen as a miraculous and joyful experience. Considering that you are bringing in a new life into this world, it makes sense that mamas would think this way. It’s true that the childbearing process is one that is fulfilling, and the birthing process only makes it more fulfilling as you literally see the fruit of your labor. However, there’s something about the childbirth process that many people forget.
It’s true that giving birth can bring about so much joy. But, before you get to that “end point” of delivering that baby, there are a number of things that you have to go through. It is called the childbirth process, after all. So, there are some steps that you will have to take before that “baby out!”
As glorious and fulfilling as giving birth is, it’s something that can get very messy and sometimes even painful. Any mama that’s gone through this can probably attest to this. From the labor contractions to the actual delivery process, there’s a lot of hardships that most mamas have to go through before they finally get to hold their newborn baby. However, that’s only during a normal vaginal delivery.
For some mamas, a normal vaginal delivery doesn’t become an option. Instead, they end up having to undergo a Cesarean section. Any mama that’s gone through this childbirth experience can tell you that it could be messy and painful among other things. However, sometimes there is no choice but to undergo this procedure as it may be what’s best for you.
With that in mind, this article aims to give you a little more insight on Cesarean sections. What’s more, we’ll help you prepare yourself for this and even give you C-section recovery tips! That way, you’ll have some peace of mind knowing what’ll happen and what you need to do to make the entire experience more bearable!
What Is A C-Section?
A Cesarean section, also known as a C-section or a Cesarean delivery, is the process of making an incision on the abdomen to deliver a baby. Yes, you read that right, an incision—meaning they have to cut you open.
While it may sound a little freaky, especially for you first-time mamas out there, this is something that happens to many mothers while they go through childbirth. What’s more, this process isn’t necessarily something to be afraid of as C-sections have been done over how many decades at this point. This means that the techniques applied have been tried, tested, and improved upon. So, it’s a procedure that’s relatively safe and with minimal complications.
Aside from the minimal complications, the process has become improved to the point that there are several ways to go about it. For example, a typical Cesarean section would involve making an incision at the lower midline of your abdomen. However, thanks to advances in medicine, there are even ways to go about the incisions where the outcome would be more cosmetically pleasing—enter the famous “bikini cut.”
However, whatever the incision of your choosing, all Cesarean sections happen the same way. First, an incision is made on your abdomen. Then, once the incision is made, your obstetrician will make an incision on your uterus. Doing so will reveal the fetus you are carrying. Your doctor will deliver the fetus and then the placenta. Once they’re both out, your uterus and abdomen will get stitched back up. After all that, the delivery is done!
Why Would You Need a Caesarean Section?
Knowing all that, you’d probably be wondering why you’d need to undergo a cesarean section. Well, there are various reasons why a mama would have one. For starters, one of the most common reasons why C-sections are done would be due to the fact that a normal vaginal delivery would be impossible.
There are many reasons why a vaginal delivery may not be possible. For some mamas, the descent of their fetus may end up getting delayed. As the vaginal delivery process involves waiting for the baby to enter the birth canal and descend through it, it’s typically a rather long process. However, sometimes, the descent will stop. This may be due to your birth canal being inadequate (meaning smaller than what is required) or your uterine contractions have halted.
This is just one example of why you may have to get a Cesarean section. Other reasons would include the fact that the fetus may have ingested their fecal material (which could lead to infection and severe illness), the baby has not yet reached term but must be delivered prematurely for its own safety, and a breech presentation. In these instances, there will be a number of stressors and other factors that could negatively affect the birth of your baby. As such, it’s important to deliver your baby as soon as possible.
In other instances, some mamas elect to just have a Cesarean section. In this case, if it is a feasible option for them and their doctor allows it, this is possible. As such, these mamas get what is called an “elective Cesarean section.” So, just like how there are several reasons for an “emergency Cesarean section,” there are also many reasons for the elective kind.
What To Expect After a C-Section?
So, let’s say you did have a Cesarean section. What’s next? Well, there’s a whole host of things you’ll have to look out for and keep in mind. Considering that you essentially got cut open and stitched up, you’re going to have to treat the days and weeks after the procedure like you would any other surgical procedure. With that in mind, what should you expect?
Well, among the many things to expect after a C-section, you should expect that you will be in pain for a while. As you did get cut open, the closed incisions are essentially much like a wound. As such, just like any other wound, it will be in pain for quite some time as you recover. However, the pain will eventually subside. While it doesn’t, especially in the earlier weeks, your doctor will at least prescribe you with a painkiller to help make things more manageable.
On the other hand, sometimes you may also experience some symptoms of nerve damage after C section. This is because you did get cut open, which also meant that the nerves around the incision area may have gotten cut too. While this may be worrisome, it’s all part of the c-section recovery process. As the incision heals, so will the nerves that got cut.
Aside from this, you will also have some limitations when it comes to physical activity. For example, if you used to do a lot of strenuous activities—such as weightlifting—before your c-section, you will have to refrain from doing so for a while. The same goes with lifting heavy objects in general. To help ensure your stitches don’t open up, you’ll have to take it easy for a while.
How To Recover From Cesarean Section Fast
Knowing all that, you might be wondering what you can do to accelerate your recovery. Surely, you might have a question such as what to eat after c section for fast recovery. Alternatively, you might be thinking about whether there are any secrets that can make your recovery come much faster. Well, unfortunately, recovering from a C-section isn’t that simple.
You see, normally, mamas who’ve had a Cesarean delivery may see improvement within 6 to 8 weeks post-procedure. However, this is just based on the average recovery time for most mamas who underwent C-sections. The truth is that your recovery period may vary from another mama’s because your body is different and has its own unique quirks and what not.
However, despite this, there are still ways to make your recovery period as effective as possible. While it’s not entirely certain if you can be fully recovered by, say, 6 weeks, you can still do what you can to get yourself closer to a full recovery.
You see, you might think that getting discharged from the hospital after your delivery may mean that you’re good to go. However, a discharge doesn’t necessarily mean that. Instead, it means you’re ready to go about your recovery at home. So, what your doctor needs you to do is do your part and do what you can to maximize and make your recovery as effective as possible. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to do this.
For starters, you can take things easy in the meantime. As mentioned earlier, you won’t be able to do much. Considering that you have surgical incisions that need healing, you’ll have to do what you can to avoid them from opening up again. So, you can’t do things like lift heavy objects or participate in strenuous activities. Instead, you should just stick to resting in bed.
If you do want to move around, walking should do in the meantime. It’s low impact, so it won’t really put so much strain on your body. It’s also an activity that doctors recommend you start with should you want to get back to your activity level. Walking at least allows you to have something to start with until you feel like you’re ready to increase the intensity.
Doing proper wound care is another thing you can do to help ensure your recovery goes well. You see, proper wound care can help your recovery in several different ways. For example, cleaning your wound and dressing it the way your doctor instructed you helps the incision site from getting infected. By avoiding any infections, your wound heals faster and you also avoid getting sick. Wound care also helps ensure that the wounds heal in the best way possible. This means they close soon and have minimal scarring (though this may also depend on your body type).
Childbirth is a process that brings about a lot of joy. Considering that you helped bring your baby into this world, it’s no surprise that mamas are ecstatic when this day comes. However, it can also be full of some unexpected challenges and difficulties along the way. Sometimes, people don’t expect it to be as messy either.
Cesarean sections are a perfect example of this. While you do deliver the baby, you have to deal with things like limited activity and prolonged recovery times. However, sometimes getting a C-section is unavoidable as it may be the best option for you and your baby. So, it’s best to do what you can to make this experience as bearable as possible.
With regards to C-sections, knowing what to do and how to go about things like your recovery can work wonders. While it may not be the most pleasant experience post-operatively, it’s something that can be managed and in such a way that it’s not as inconveniencing to you. Before you know it, you’ll look back at that day you had that C-section when you’re fully recovered and see it as a wonderful memory where you got to deliver your baby and got through the recovery process successfully!