By the second trimester, you’re able to feel your baby move, and your belly is likely showing more than it was. The thoughts of being pregnant and soon becoming a mother begins to dawn on you, and you may start to reflect on certain things: how you’d like to be a parent, how you were raised and what you’d like to mimic/do differently, how you’d like to include your spouse in the process of raising a child, and more.
More thoughts, more emotions
More thoughts, ultimately means feeling more emotions. Be sure to talk about your thoughts out loud whenever you can with your partner or with your trusted mama tribe so you’re not bottling them in.
Speaking to your partner about your thoughts and feelings could also help him feel more included throughout the pregnancy. By letting them know how you’re feeling, they’re able to help you through it and act according to how they can help you best.
Embracing the changes
More than all the thoughts running through your head, the changes in your body also affect how you feel. The pregnancy hormones, the changes in appearance – these are all valid reasons for feeling certain emotions. Remember, mama. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are growing a beautiful human being inside of you, and that is a wonderful thing!
It’s natural in all mamas to think about how pregnancy has changed you and your body. However, if you feel the negative feelings are too much or just won’t go away, speak to your doctor about it as soon as possible.
If there are other things making you feel anxious or stressed, try to find an outlet to release these thoughts. Keep yourself busy with a hobby, go on a date with your spouse, or do something you love. Try to talk about it, and remember that you are not alone in this journey.
There’s no right or wrong way to feel during pregnancy, mama. If you feel positive all the time and are excited about the overall thought of parenting, embrace the feeling and let it power you through delivery. However, if you’re feeling down, don’t fret. It’s okay not to feel positive all the time.
Don’t feel guilty about it and embrace the feeling, mama. In a couple of weeks, you’ll have a bundle of joy that will begin to brighten your days. That’s something you can think about to power you through the pregnancy stage!
You got this, mama!