

Everything You Need to Know about Breast Milk Storage and Shelf Life

ByMonica OtayzaAugust 2, 2023
You’ll find many articles online on breast milk storage and shelf life. However, it’s best to get the facts straight from credible sources. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released information on proper storage and preparation of breast milk which you can now apply in your home. 
It’s best to follow recommended storage and preparation techniques to maintain the safety and quality of expressed breast milk. Keeping your breast milk in its best condition will subsequently keep your little one in good health. 
Various factors affect how long breast milk can be stored. These include room temperature when the milk is expressed, temperature fluctuations, milk volume, and the cleanliness of the mama’s environment when the milk is expressed. 
Breast Milk Storage Time/Shelf Life
Breast milk can be categorized into four different varieties, and depending on these varieties, your breast milk can last up to 12 months: 
1. Freshly Expressed/Pumped
Room Temperature (25°C or Colder) – Up to 4 hours 
Refrigerator (4°C) – Up to 4 days 
Freezer (-18°C or colder) – Use within 6 months is best, but use up to 12 months is acceptable 
2.Thawed, Previously Frozen 
Room Temperature (25°C or Colder) – Up to 1 to 2 hours after being thawed 
Refrigerator (4°C) – Up to 1 Day (24 hours) 
Freezer (-18°C or colder) – DO NOT refreeze breast milk after it has been thawed 
3. Leftover from a Feeding (which means baby did not finish the bottle) 
Leftover bottles from a feeding should be used within two hours after the baby finished feeding the first time. 
Safely Storing Expressed Breast Milk
Before expressing breast milk, it is important to first do the following: 
  1.  Wash your hands well with soap and water. If soap and water are not accessible, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer will do. 
  2. Inspect the pump kit and make sure the parts are clean. If you notice any milk residue or mold, replace the parts immediately. 
After expressing breast milk, make sure to handle it properly by storing it in clean, food-grade containers: 
  1. Do not store breast milk in disposable bottles or plastic bags that are not intended for storing breast milk, as this may compromise the quality of the milk and expose it to foreign substances. 
Safely Labeling Stored Breast Milk
When keeping breast milk for later consumption, remember the following breast milk storage tips: 
  1. Label each breast milk container with the date and time it was expressed. It is also helpful to label it with the amount of milk inside. 
  2. Do not store breast milk in the door of refrigerators or freezers, as these subject them to temperature changes from the opening and closing of the door. 
  3. If using an insulated cooler with frozen ice packs, breast milk is good for up to 24 hours. When you reach your destination, either use the milk right away, store it in a refrigerator, or freeze it. 
Safely Thawing Breast Milk
  1. following the first in, first out rule. 
  2. You can thaw your breast milk by keeping it in the refrigerator overnight and using it within 24 hours, putting it in a bowl of warm or lukewarm water, or running lukewarm water on it while on the sink. 
  3. Never thaw breast milk in a microwave, as it destroys the nutrients in the breast milk and creates hot spots, which can burn your baby’s mouth. 
  4. When thawing breast milk in the refrigerator, the 24-hour count starts after the breast milk is completely thawed, not from the time it was removed from the freezer 
  5. Once thawed breast milk is warmed or brought to room temperature, use it within 1 to 2 hours. 
  6. Never refreeze thawed breast milk. 
Feeding Expressed Breast Milk (After Thawing) 
  1. Contrary to popular belief, breast milk does not need to be warmed before feeding to your baby. It can either be served cold or at room temperature. 
  2. If your baby did not finish the bottle, use leftover milk within 2 hours after the baby stopped feeding. After 2 hours, the milk should be discarded. 
To summarize, remember that freshly expressed milk is good for up to 4 hours at room temperature, up to 4 days in the refrigerator, and up to 12 months in the freezer. Thawed breast milk is good for up to 2 hours at room temperature, up to 1 day in the refrigerator, and should never be refrozen. 

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