

Five Tips to Boost Your Breastmilk Supply

ByJerni Camposano-GomezApril 26, 2023
It can be quite worrisome for a breastfeeding mama when they think they’re not supplying enough milk for their baby. There are several factors which can cause milk supply to decrease during one’s breastfeeding journey. While this is true, there are also many ways on how mamas can boost their milk supply. Let’s get right into it.
Possible Reasons why Milk Supply Decreases
1.) Your baby is feeding less. Maintain eight to sixteen feedings a day for your supply to keep up. Milk production is greatly affected by how well the breast is drained.
2.) Your baby has an improper latch.
3.) Your chosen lifestyle. Smoking can interfere with the letdown reflex and can also cause a decrease in milk supply.
4.) Fatigue and exhaustion. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated, mama!
5.) An incorrect breast flange size. Having a smaller or larger flange size than what you’re supposed to be using can affect your milk supply.
Ways to Increase your Milk Supply
1.) Nurse baby more often. Aim for feedings every two hours in the day, and three to four hours at night. This goes the same for pumping. Add in a power pump each day to boost your chances of increasing your supply.
2.) Use a chosen relaxation technique to reduce stress and promote the letdown reflex. Add in a gentle breast massage before and during feeding to stimulate the breasts to produce more milk.
3.) Take lactation aids. Malunggay capsules are doctor-recommended breastfeeding supplements. Taking lactation cookies and lactation drinks are other delicious options you can add to your daily diet.
4.) Do skin to skin time with your baby for several minutes after each feed. Try using a baby carrier to help you with skin to skin time, especially during busy days when you need to have your hands free.
5.) Add a pumping session immediately after breastfeeding using a reliable breast pump. Once your body realizes you need a greater supply of milk, it will start to produce more.
At the end of the day, no matter how much milk you produce, what’s important is that your little one is well nourished. These are five signs that a breastfeeding baby is well nourished:
1.) Your baby nurses every two to three hours
2.) Your baby wets at least 4 to 6 diapers a day
3.) Your breasts are softer after nursing
4.) You hear your little one swallowing their milk while nursing
5.) Your baby is constantly gaining weight
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