There are already many reasons to be merry and throw a party on Christmas Day, especially in a country considered to have the longest celebration of this season in the world. For some people though, there are extra few—and meaningful—reasons why this is indeed the most wonderful time of the year.
For first-time mama Abee Juanatas-Valenzuela, she was given another one on December 25, 2015: the birth of a bouncing baby boy, whom she considers as the best gift she's ever received on Christmas. She could definitely feel the Christmas cheer from head to (mistle)toes. Needless to say, her birth story is one for the books. In fact, Abee already wrote about it at length in an email her son will get to read in the future. (Great idea right here, mamas!)
Abee and husband RE were supposed to be having a holiday bash at home on that fateful day, but the Guy Up There had other plans for them. Instead, heavily pregnant Abee found herself in the delivery room of the hospital, about to welcome a tiny human being who would forever change how they'd celebrate Christmas moving forward.

"I was originally due on January 4, but my OB-GYN already advised I could give birth as early as December 22. All the while, I was talking to my boy in my tummy telling him not to come out on Christmas or New Year's Day because I felt it'd be difficult to celebrate separately and that he might get confused which one to celebrate," narrated Abee. "But when I experienced labor pains on Christmas morning, that was the least of my worries. I've been on bed rest for the last three months of my pregnancy due to spotting and severe UTI. So all I wanted was just for my baby to come out healthy and safe."
And though she initially wanted to experience an unmedicated birth, this mama had to give birth via emergency cesarean (with epidural anesthesia) because the medical team suspected possible cord coil on her little one. At 6:08 PM on Christmas Day six years ago, Abee and RE said hello (and Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!) to their son, Elijah Rafael.
"Everyone is just so happy during the holiday season—what with all the colorful decors and lovely lights all around. It's like the whole world is celebrating with us," said Abee. "The birthday of Chikoy (their boy's nickname) is truly a celebration of life and family, so Christmas has become more meaningful for us since his arrival. Chikoy now understands that his birthday falls on the same day as the birthday of Jesus. He feels happy about it and he's more excited to celebrate his special day."

Abee furthered, "Our Christmas celebration has become crazier but definitely happier. When my son was just a baby, I was worried that we’d have a hard time celebrating his birthday with family and friends, since everyone would have their own Christmas parties, celebrations, and traditions. But God is so good because our family and friends have adjusted their celebrations and now considers Chikoy's special day in planning for the holidays! They are present during his birthday celebrations, and it makes us happy seeing how they’ve incorporated it into their Christmas plans. I guess being born on Christmas Day turned out to be a blessing because everyone remembers his birthday. And we are truly blessed to be part of a great village in raising and loving him."
This mom wants her son to be reminded that he was born on Christmas Day for a reason: that as he celebrates his birthday with Jesus, he realizes how blessed he is and that he'll hopefully share his blessings with others, in whatever form they may be. It can be through lending his time and listening to others, helping them during tough times, sharing his talents, or making people around him laugh (of which he is very good at, claims his proud mama).
"As his parents, we want him to know too that we are forever thankful to the Lord for making our Christmas in 2015 the best ever. We know there are things that will change as he grows up, we might have different opinions and decisions, but nothing will change the love we have for him since the first time we heard his heartbeat," mused Abee. "He is our best Christmas present, always and forever."