Bullying is a heartbreaking experience that no parent wants their child to come across. Watching a child go through the physical and emotional pain of bullying is heartbreaking for any parent, and some have no clue where to begin protecting their children from such an experience.
School-age kids are more likely to be exposed to bullying, and it's essential for parents to properly strike a conversation with them about the situation so that they know what to do and how to protect themselves if and if it happens to them.
Understand the issue
We can identify bullying with three main characteristics: intent, power, and repetition. A bully intends to cause pain to its victim through physical harm or hurtful behavior and words and does these repeatedly.
Children who bully their peers often believe they come from a "higher" social status or a position of power. They may think they are perceived as popular in their school and are bigger and stronger than their victims.
Parent intervention
A child who experiences being bullied may suffer its consequences for years. It can be harmful and lead to emotional and mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and sometimes, even an inability to perform well at school.
Your child has the right to a safe school environment that respects them for who they are. As parents, it is important to constantly remind your children of their self-worth, so they grow up as confident individuals. Doing so lessens the chances of a bully dampening their spirits, as they know who they are and are confident in themselves.
Keep your children close to you by talking to them openly about issues like bullying. The more you speak to them about it, the more they will tell you when they see it or experience it first-hand.
Check in with your children daily and ask them about their time at school, their activities, and the people around them. This helps you stay aware of how your little ones are doing and allows you to ensure everything is alright.
Be their role model
Children emulate their parents in more ways than they can imagine. So as parents, you must show your little ones how to treat other children and adults with respect and kindness so they can mimic this in their daily lives.
Even though your children are not victims of bullying, they can prevent others from being bullied by being kind, respectful, and inclusive to their peers. If they witness bullying first-hand, encouraging them to offer support and stand up for their peers is one way to boost their confidence as they are made accountable for the people around them.
With the internet being a big part of children's lives nowadays, it is also essential to check for signs of cyberbullying. Familiarize yourself with the platforms your children use daily, and explain the connection between the online and offline world.
Kids should know the different risks they face online—whether through social media, text or instant messaging, e-mails, and other online platforms where they interact with other people. Although you can't monitor what your children are doing online constantly, it's a must to be aware of their activities to ensure they are always safe.