Breastfeeding is a topic that can make new mamas break out in a cold sweat. Just because it seems like a natural thing doesn’t mean it comes naturally. Some mamas may leak breastmilk even before their baby is out, others are, well, not that fortunate.
Even if you managed to nurse your bundle of joy within the first few weeks after birth, there’ll be moments that are bound to make you doubt your own mammary glands. And that’s understandable. Since breasts aren’t exactly see-through, it’s hard to tell how much liquid gold you have and how much your baby has taken.
If you somehow feel like your breastmilk supply is low, don’t fret. You can improve your yield. Of course, it’ll take a lot of time, effort, patience, and support, but it’s definitely possible. Here are 8 ways to make it so.
Take prenatal vitamins
Your baby gets nutrients from you through your milk. It only makes sense that you meet the nutritional requirements, which has increased since pregnancy. You may even need some vitamins and minerals in higher doses, such as Vitamins A, B, C, and folate, among others. Since prenatal vitamins contain all these, doctors recommend taking them throughout your breastfeeding journey. Just remember to ask your OB-GYN about your specific vitamin needs.
Consider a galactagogue
A galactagogue is a food or substance—mostly herb or prescription medication—that increases breastmilk supply. Some of the most popular ones are herbal, such as moringa capsules, blessed thistle, alfalfa, fenugreek seeds, even malunggay!
Snack on lactation goodies
A staple in most breastfeeding mom’s diet, these are pastries and yummy treats that are packed with nutrient-rich galactagogues like oatmeal, flaxseed, fenugreek, and brewer’s yeast to improve your milk yield.

Do regular skin-to-skin contact
This works like magic. Did you know that holding your baby increases your levels of oxytocin (the love hormone that is responsible for milk ejection)? Yes, it’s true! Aside from boosting you breastmilk supply, it can even give your baby a deeper sleep, and a closer bond with you.
Drink your water
Or any liquid that could keep you hydrated round the clock. While some studies show that extra fluid intake by breastfeeding mama doesn’t actually increase breastmilk supply, getting too little liquid will cause your milk production to lag.
Get more pumped up!
Expressing milk—either using a breast pump, or manually doing so—after every breastfeeding session empties out the milk in your breast. This makes your body think that the baby needs more, and will consequently produce more breastmilk to meet the demand.
Lactation consultants would advise you to try power pumping. It mimics cluster breastfeeding (frequent but short feeding over a few hours) but using a breast pump.
Invest in quality nursing wear
Since you’ll be doing a lot of milk expressing in a day, wearing appropriate nursing garments will make it easier. Pumping bras will hold the pump for each breast for you so that your hands will be free to relax or to do other things.
There are also maternity and nursing bras that are made with materials that help boost blood circulation in the body, which in turn encourage milk production.
Unli-latch your baby
Breastfeeding consultants will advise you to nurse your newborn at least 15 to 20 minutes at each breast every 2 or 3 hours. In unli-latching, you must feed your baby on-demand or as often and for as long as the baby wants to. The more your baby empties you breasts, the more they produce milk for the next feeding.