It’s been over two years since kids have been inside a physical school so it’ll be quite a challenge for them to adjust to a new sleep schedule, especially when they’ve been used to staying up late and using gadgets for longer periods now.
If you are still not aware, sleep is an important part of a child’s growth and development. They need enough rest and sleep to be able to focus and concentrate at school, and retain what they’ve learned for longer. Furthermore, a well-rested child will have an easier time completing tasks and answering memory-based questions. That’s how essential
So how can you get your kids on a back-to-school sleep routine? We’ve got suggestions, mama!
1. Identify how much sleep your child needs based on their age.
Sleep is crucial to a child’s learning success, so ensure they get enough of it. Identify what time they need to wake up in the morning and calculate backward nine to 11 hours, depending on the recommended hours of sleep for your preschooler, school-age child, or teenager.
2. Have dinner earlier in the evening.
Eating dinner late in the evening can trick your child’s body clock, pushing their bedtime back further. It’s also important to note that you should not be serving sugary or fatty foods and caffeinated beverages before bed as these take longer time to digest, thus keeping your child alert and awake.
3. Make time for exercise during the day.
If your child stays active throughout the day, they’ll have to burn off all that energy so it will be easier for them to wind down come nighttime. Aside from the many benefits of physical activity, it also tires your child out and helps them get a good night’s sleep.
4. Power down before bedtime.
The use of technology before bedtime is often linked to difficulty falling asleep. How can you avoid this? Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime as the light emitted from their screens signals our brain that it’s daytime. Set an example, mama, by switching off your phone as it won’t help if your kids see you use it a lot during bedtime.
5. Establish a calming bedtime routine.
Creating—and sticking to—a bedtime routine that’s relaxing encourages healthy sleeping habits and provides an opportunity for you to bond with your little one. Whether it’s bedtime storytelling or singing a song, the goal is to set a routine that tells the brain it’s time to settle down for bed.
6. Create a relaxing sleep environment.
This is a perfect opportunity to teach your kids that the bed is not a place for hanging out. It should only be for sleeping. Keep their bedroom cool, quiet, and dark so they feel more at ease when sleeping.