After three months of nausea, sensitivity, and fatigue, the second trimester is like a breath of fresh air for any mama. They say your energy peaks at this time during pregnancy, and for me, that was true!
Although I started to show more during the second trimester, I couldn’t be happier and more energetic. I no longer felt the urge to stay in bed the entire day, I wasn’t (too) sensitive to specific scents anymore, and I was no longer cranky and as short-tempered as I was in the first trimester.
By that time, I began to feel my little one kick, and that made me all the more excited for her arrival. The very first thing I did during the second trimester? Stock up on home and baby items.

Me and my trusty grocery bag.
My second pregnancy was very different from my first. When I was pregnant with my firstborn in 2020, I was cooped up at home because of the pandemic. This time around, I had more freedom to explore and leave home.
However, when it came to my little one’s things, there was only one shop I needed to look at – and we’re on it right now! From her lampins, to her baby wipes and diapers, and to my all-time favorite Haakaa breast pumps, it was so easy for me to buy everything I needed before her arrival.
Hoping to save on costs and minimize my spending as much as possible, I spent time going through my toddler’s things to see what I could still use on his little sister. True enough, the baby carrier I bought on edamama back in 2020 was still good as new, and so was his trusty Aprica stroller. I was even able to save my toddler’s bean onesies by Robert Alejandro for my baby to use! They’re made with the most comfortable, breathable fabric and come in the cutest Filipino themes, which is why they’re my ultimate favorite.

Bringing my firstborn around in his Doona Liki Trike
Once I had everything ready for my little one, what I did next was organize her room. My partner and I assembled children’s furniture together and arranged our toddler son’s things in one corner, and our little girl’s things in another.
As I wasn’t able to enjoy the second trimester during my first pregnancy because of quarantine, it’s safe to say I went all out the second time around by going places.
My partner and I always went out to eat in our favorite restaurants, as our favorite past time together is eating. I accompanied him to his basketball games, cheering him on and occasionally getting stressed when the scores would get too close, and we went out of town a couple of times, too!

When I first found out that I was pregnant, I promised myself that while I’d make sure my little girl was safe in my womb, I’d also take time to ensure my son didn’t feel as if he was no longer my priority. For more than a year, he had been my world, and I had no clue how he’d react to being a big brother.
Because of this, I made the most out of our time together. Whenever we were at home, I played with him and read him books, and whenever my partner and I had free time, we’d take him to different places like the beach, which is his favorite place.

By the end of the second trimester, my baby bump was on full display. As I knew I wouldn’t be able to move as much in the weeks to come, I booked a maternity photoshoot for my partner and I. This was something that we weren’t able to do with our firstborn, and was a fun and unique experience.
I was quite lucky that my energy didn’t die down in the third trimester. Up until the day my water broke, I was out and about before needing to suddenly be brought to the hospital.

My second pregnancy and birth experience was a pleasant one, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I couldn’t have done it without such a wonderful mama tribe, and of course, trusted partners that make parenting easier for Filipino families – for me, one of those partners is edamama.