The brand new year presents another chance for us to seek to become better parents. After all, there’s always an opportunity to do more and be better role models for our little beans.
Ahead, we list down some suggestions on parenting resolutions you can commit to achieving in 2022:
1. Be a less distracted, more present parent. Every day, make that decision to live in the moment with your little one. Distracted parenting raises kids who feel like they’re competing with their parents’ work or electronic devices. Do not let these things or habits stand in the way of you creating a real connection with your child.
2. Keep your kids safe online. While being online allows our children to connect, learn, and play, there’s no denying that the online world is not the safest space for these young minds. That’s why it’s very important to make sure your little beans are staying safe in their digital experiences.
3. Babyproof your home. Safety is the priority when it comes to children. Even when they are exploring the world, there's still a need to make the environment they're learning in safe so it’s time to babyproof every room in your abode.
4. Keep kids healthy at home. Now more than ever, us parents need to ensure our children don’t catch disease-causing viruses and bugs. From as simple as training them on proper handwashing techniques to setting good sleeping habits, every measure is just as important to achieve this goal.
5. Raise earth-friendly kids. It is our responsibility as parents to raise children who will take care of our home, and by this we mean it in the largest sense—our planet. Teaching our kids simple life-changing habits can help them better understand the role each one plays in addressing climate change, global warming, and other environment-related issues.
6. Allow your littles ones to roughhouse. Some rough-and-tumble play proves to be beneficial for children, including making them happier and smarter as well as building great parent-child connection. So go join them and enjoy your time sliding down the stairs, doing somersaults, or engaging in pillow fights!
7. Commit to raising a gentleman. Boys can be a handful at times, but there are things you can do to ensure your son grows up courteous and chivalrous, respectful and responsible.

8. Encourage your child to drink more water. Never underestimate the importance of proper hydration, especially for kids. Help your active little one stay hydrated and make water his drink of choice.
9. Ensure your home is germ-free. Keep your family safe and comfortable inside your home—and out of the doctor’s office—by maintaining a clean and germ-free residence.
10. Set up an online learning space and organize your child’s school supplies. It looks like online school isn't going away any time soon from the academic calendar, so it only makes sense to invest in a better learning environment for your little ones.
11. Be creative when giving medicines to your child. Try techniques that promise less spitting and more successful attempts during medicine time: mixing with food, breaking into smaller portions, or rewarding them.
12. Help your child transition from crib to bed. If your little bean is ready to make the switch, understand that the upgrade can feel scary for them. Help them smoothly transition to their new sleeping arrangement.
13. Remember to teach your little one important table manners, essential safety rules, and money-saving habits. They will be needing these lessons as they move forward in life.
14. Keep your home tidy even with active kids around. Keeping the house clean and organized is a herculean task for most moms who also need to take care of little ones running here and there. But don’t lose hope, mama! “Kids” and “cleanliness” can coexist with a few cleaning tricks.

16. Start an urban garden at home. Start your own little green oasis with your kids and reap the many benefits of gardening.
17. Have a well-stocked first aid kit at home. Quick action can spell the difference between life and death in times of emergency, so it is important to be prepared for such situations with a first-aid kit that contains all the essentials.
18. Practice safe food preparation. Practicing the highest standards of food safety, cleanliness, and hygiene is a must now more than ever. After all, you don’t want anyone in the household to get sick from food-borne diseases or suffer from food poisoning—especially when you have babies or children around.
19. Take better care of yourself, mama. It’s true that you cannot pour from an empty cup, so make sure you also take care of yourself while you do everything for your family. Your child needs a happy and healthy mother.
20. Always start your day right. There are simple but powerful morning habits that could empower your day and transform your life. Start incorporating them in your morning routine.
21. Keep your relationship with your partner strong while raising kids. Even though the kids are keeping you busy, thou shalt not neglect your husband or partner. After all, he’s your teammate in this whole parenting journey.
22. Find your mama tribe and keep them in your life. Being with a group of people who go through exactly the same thing as you can help make parenting less of a struggle and more of an everyday joy. Whether you want to learn from fellow mamas or simply want a circle who cheers you up when things get hard, you can benefit from being part of a community of like-minded individuals.