The pregnancy journey of women can be a rollercoaster ride - there are highs then there are lows. This statement can also be applicable to the emotions and feelings of soon-to-be mamas. The fast changes occurring in this aspect may not be experienced by all women but those who do usually just go with the flow. Why? Because it’s a common thought that mood swings are really part of the “ride”. There’s still something to be positive about because pregnancy mood swings are also generally temporary. But let’s still understand briefly why these happen and what mamas can do about it.
There could be a distinct reason why a pregnant mama may experience mood swings. This can be through mental or physical reasons. But whatever they may be, it’s important for mamas to know that these are normal and as to how we described it - it’s a part of the pregnancy journey.
Changes in hormone levels:
Ever heard of pregnancy hormones? Yes, these are usually the main reasons for those emotions and changes in mood. During the early phase of pregnancy, flooding of estrogen and progesterone occurs. Estrogen being the hormone that regulates mood and progesterone being the one responsible for muscles and joints are culprits for those mental and physical changes.
Fatigue or lack of sleep:
There are moments when expecting women simply feel naturally tired and even add lack of sleeping time to the case. But mamas are not to be blamed because situations become different that can affect how they sleep, especially during the late phases of pregnancy with contractions keeping mamas up at night.
Morning sickness:
Feeling morning sickness and nausea is a part of the effects of pregnancy. But what makes the situation more difficult for mamas to handle are the thoughts about future nausea experiences and when might it occur next.
Physical changes:
There are moments when soon-to-be mamas are still adapting to the physical changes they are seeing as days go by being pregnant. These thoughts about the changes being seen may translate through showing it in the form of emotions. But it’s important to know that these thoughts and feelings about themselves are always valid as going through changes takes courage.
Anxiety and/or stress:
Experiencing anxiety and stress may differ from one mama to another depending on personal experiences. A first time mama or a mama having another bean is out of the question as every expecting woman can have a reason behind what they’re feeling or thinking.
A lot of things can still be done by expecting women to make the rollercoaster ride easier to handle. Practicing these habits can help soon-to-be mamas enjoy the journey more and also adapt to the life of a parent better.
Eat well:
It’s certain everyone knows the feeling of being hungry and most have experienced what emotions can come out of it. Partnered with the changes the mamas are experiencing, being hungry can make one release emotions quicker. Ensuring that the stomach is full and filled with nutrients is a small step to be calm yet energized.
Exercise or workout:
Workouts can always be a stress reliever. But with beans growing in the mama’s belly, be sure to only perform light and applicable workouts. Other mamas also use yoga and meditation to be active physically, mentally, and even emotionally.
Get enough sleep:
Getting enough sleep and taking naps are really helpful to make a mama intact as a whole. Being well-rested in this journey is important so don’t feel guilty about taking that shuteye, mamas deserve it!
Don’t be shy to talk it out:
Talking to the family and relatives will also be beneficial because they will likely understand the situation of the mama. Not only that, but having the conversation also gives expecting women the opportunity to discuss what they’re feeling. Seeking conversations with a therapist is also a way of self-care in this journey. Anxiety is one possible cause, right? So reaching out for professional help can make mamas adapt to their respective personal situations.
Let the emotions out:
Bottling up these emotions might just make situations worse. Pregnancy isn’t easy so if emotions arise, mamas always have the freedom to release them.
Mamas are always seen as brave individuals because of going through the extreme highs and lows in this journey. But it’s important to remember that to be able to get through this, one must understand the situation and be aware of the do’s and don’ts - physically, mentally, and emotionally. We’re with every mama in this common journey of theirs!