

Are You Raising A Spoiled Child? Watch Out For These Red Flags

ByJerni Camposano-GomezAugust 14, 2022
spoiled child
As a parent, we want nothing but to be able to raise children who will be the best version of themselves. It’s true when they say that there is no one right way to raise kids—give them too much attention and you’re overparenting, being uninvolved and you’re an absentee parent. 
While we do not intend to raise a spoiled child, there are instances along the many zigzags of parenting when our choices do more harm than good. This is especially true for kids who grow up feeling entitled and you mama struggling to discipline them. 
And we don’t want this to happen. The earlier we see the problem, the quicker we can act on measures to avoid raising a spoiled kid. So how can you tell if you are raising one? Here are some telltale signs of bratty behavior:
1. They don’t accept “No” for an answer. 
Is your child throwing tantrums every time you refuse to give them what they want? Children who are used to getting whatever they want when they want it grow up to be spoiled brats. While it may not be a big deal while they’re still young, it can affect the way they deal with setbacks in life in the future. 
2. They don’t follow orders. 
Does your little one always refuse to listen to instructions and orders? Is it so hard to convince them to follow you? Children who aren’t spoiled recognize the consequences of not following their parents. So if your child fails to acknowledge who’s in charge, you might need to contemplate your parenting style. 
3. They always have to be bribed. 
Have you ever asked your child to do something and the only way to get them to do it is by bribing them? This shouldn’t be the case in your household all the time. When your child gets used to getting something first before agreeing to anything, you’re not really helping them in the long run. Bribing is a short-term solution to a behavior that needs more work. Spoiled brats often get satisfaction from external rewards instead of taking pride in their own achievements.
4. They are mean to other people. 
Being disrespectful towards others is often a sign of having a sense of entitlement.  Feeling entitled can show in every aspect of their life, including how they treat people around them. Observe how your child relates with everyone at home, including your helper, as well as their friends and playmates. Never tolerate when they talk back to adults in a rude manner or when they bully their peers. 
5. They don’t value money.
See how your child reacts when you don’t buy them the toy they want. It’s essential that you explain the value of saving and spending money on more important things. Your child should not be under the impression that they can buy anything they want as long as Daddy and Mommy have the money for it. 
6. They exhibit aggressive behavior.
It’s time to be alarmed when your child does any of the following: yelling, kicking, hitting, grabbing, spitting, or biting. These behaviors are aggressive and your little one resorts to them when they don’t get their way. It’s important to be able to hold them accountable for these hot-headed outbursts and teach them why acting out is not acceptable behavior. 
7. They don’t like losing. 
There’s a difference between being competitive and being a sore loser. The latter can have the tendency to manipulate a game to win or throw a fit when they lose. While we acknowledge that losing can feel really hard, we should be able to explain to them that it is a reality of life—that they will experience failures in many instances as they go along in life, that quitting is not the only option, that it’s important to put up a good fight and graciously accepting defeat. 
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