Giving birth to a child comes with unconditional love that no words can explain. When you become a mother, not only do you learn a lot about caring for another person, but you learn a lot about yourself in the process. No matter what the day brings, mamas face their fears and fight through their fatigue just to be able to care for their babies the best they can. For some mamas, this includes going through months (or even years!) of sleepless nights to breastfeed their bubs.

Mama Grace Gomez went on edamama Connect to share her experiences as a first-time mama. After giving birth to a healthy baby girl via emergency CS in 2021 and becoming a mom, she admits learning a lot about life.
Although Mama Grace acknowledges that there’s no “formula” to become a perfect mother, she continues to give her daughter what she thinks is best. For her, there’s nothing better than breastfeeding.
While she was pregnant with her first child, Mama Grace would read books and articles about breastfeeding. While they came with useful advice, to her, being in the actual scenario is entirely different.
“Iba yung nakalagay sa libro vs. sa ikaw na ang nasa aktwal na scenario. Lahat ku-kwestyunin mo masiguro lang na safe ang anak mo,” she wrote.
Even the tried-and-tested methods of breastfeeding can seem questionable to mamas who just want what is best for their little ones. To her, she wanted to question everything just to make sure her child was safe.
After her maternity leave ended, Mama Grace made sure to keep breastfeeding and breast pumping while working. She credits the imani wearable breast pumps for helping her endure the situation. Through it all, Mama Grace is grateful for that challenging journey, as it taught her so much about her life.
“I became [a] breastfeeding/breastpumping/working mom thanks to Imani wearable breastpumps! It was not an easy journey, but what I went through taught me so much and changed my life.”
Now, Mama Grace is expecting her second child and she is determined to continue breastfeeding her first born, and her second child simultaneously. With her many experiences as a first time mom, she knows she’ll be able to provide what’s best and ideal for her baby – and that’s her liquid gold.
It is perfectly safe and natural to continue breastfeeding while pregnant. Your body will continue to produce milk for your first born, while your baby in the womb will still get all the nutrients they need.
At one point in your pregnancy, you may reproduce less milk as it transitions to begin producing colostrum. These changes might cause your older child to wean themselves off of breastmilk, which usually happens at the 5-month mark.
For a better transition for you and your little one, consult your doctor on what fits your situation best. It’s also equally important to look after yourself by eating well, staying hydrated, getting plenty of sleep, and regularly taking your prenatal vitamins.