Giving birth will always be a big deal, regardless of whether or not it’s your first time. It’s normal to browse through pregnancy books, listen to parenting podcasts, and watch labor videos on the internet. However, it’s safe to say that every birth is different, and no matter how much you try to prepare for it, there are things that you just have to allow yourself to experience spontaneously.
There are some things you can anticipate while waiting to give birth the second time around. You can prepare yourself for what’s to come and even try to prevent some symptoms from happening, since you already have a clue on what to expect.
Here are some interesting points backed by evidence about pregnancy and giving birth the second time around:
1.) You’ll start showing earlier.

Ready those maternity clothes, as you’re more likely to show much faster compared to your first pregnancy. While most women don’t usually start showing until their second trimester in their first pregnancies, baby bumps are likely to be more evident in the first trimester for subsequent pregnancies.
2.) You may experience more back pain.

Back pain is more common in subsequent pregnancies, and it’s often because of your abdomen. During pregnancy, your uterus weakens your abs and moves your center of gravity forward. This then changes your posture and increases your risk of back pain.
In addition, caring for your older child can add additional stress on your back, especially if you continue to carry them and play around with them.
3.) You may feel contractions sooner.

Now that you’re all too familiar with Braxton Hicks contractions, you may notice them coming in sooner than expected. In the same way you can notice them much earlier, you may also feel your little one’s kicks starting at 16 weeks as compared to the usual 20 weeks.
4.) You may (or may not) go into labor sooner than your first birth experience.

People usually say that mamas who are pregnant with their second child will go into labor sooner, and this is backed by facts. While the average first-time mama will give birth at 39 weeks and 5 days, their second child arrived a couple of days earlier than their first.
While this is the case for many mamas, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be the case for you. However, you can expect your second child to arrive generally around the same time as your first.
5.) You’re likely to become less uptight about your pregnancy.

Mamas tend to be more cautious during their first pregnancy, as they want to make sure that everything they do is safe for their little one. Come the second pregnancy, they’re equipped with all the information you need on what you can and can’t do, so they’re less uptight.
6.) You’ll feel more confident in birth and motherhood.

Although we’ve mentioned that every birth is different, you’ve been through the process of childbirth and more or less know what to expect. You’ll be more confident that your body can do it, and know you’ll get through it all the same way you did the first time around.
Many mamas also find motherhood more enjoyable the second time around, because they are no longer testing the waters and are more confident that they know how to properly care for their baby. No worries if you don’t, though, mama, as you can always ask for help.
7.) You’ll feel worried about your older child.

While anticipating the arrival of your new bundle of joy, you’ll also be feeling conflicting emotions about your older child. You’ll begin to wonder whether or not they’ll get along, or whether you can even love somebody else as much as you love them!
But tell you what, mama – as you go through the joys and challenges of new motherhood the second time around, you’ll realize that there was never a need to worry whether or not you’re able to love someone else as much as you love your first child. Your heart will expand and grow to love and care for both of them, and they’ll feel it, too.