Being a mother is challenging, and it’s harder than we could ever imagine. We feel like we need to do everything and be whoever our family needs us to be: chef, teacher, nurse, counselor, even a plumber on certain days. With the demands of motherhood, it doesn’t come as a surprise that most moms are overwhelmed and exhausted.
Do not allow yourself to reach this point, mama. Say it with us: self-care is never selfish.
If you’re struggling with keeping it all together, take a step back and remember that you have to take care of yourself first so that you can give more love and care to others. Here are some tips on how you can stop the stress spiral and remain a happy parent.
1. Get more quality sleep.
Considered by several experts as the most important self-care technique, quality sleep comes with pretty amazing benefits, including improving your productivity and overall energy. Ensure you get a good night’s rest by establishing a bedtime routine and creating a relaxing sleep atmosphere.
2. Set your boundaries.
The list of things to do can seem endless at times, so it’s essential to prioritize. In the process, you have to learn how to say no to things—and people—that will only drain the life out of you. Put yourself first and say yes to better mental health!
3. Clear the clutter to feel better.
Decluttering and organizing may not come as top-of-mind forms of self-care, but some mamas find that a mess-free living space sparks joy. For them, decluttering gives a sense of freedom and liberation—leading to better overall well-being.
4. Make time for exercise.
Moms usually have a packed day, so it’s a challenge to sneak in some time to break a sweat. Still, find a schedule for exercise so you can reap the many benefits it offers.

5. Pursue a hobby.
Doing something you love can boost your mood and reduce your stress levels. Make time for activities that make you feel good, such as gardening in the morning, enjoying an afternoon of arts & crafts session, or capping the night off with a good book.
6. Give your skin extra love and attention.
Just because you’re a mom now doesn’t mean you should forget about your skin care routine. It’s never a luxury to take care of your skin, mama. So go ahead and get that eye cream or facial wash you’ve long wanted to buy!
7. Spend more time with your mama tribe.
These are the friends who are first to console you when the baby won’t sleep or dish out the most practical tips on housekeeping. Self-care can also look like allocating more time for fellow moms who understand and just get you.