At first, breastfeeding can be challenging. But things get more superficial. You've put in the effort and stuck with it during good times and bad. Finally, you've reached a fantastic point with your young child, and she wants to go and go. Woo-hoo! But now you're expecting again!
How do you respond? Continue nursing? Wean? Some mamas prepare to wean their babies, and the babies may even wean themselves due to changing milk tastes brought on by pregnancy hormones. Unfortunately, while some infants continue to nurse, others appear to have no hope of relief. So what should a mama do? Tandem nurse! In this article, I've put up a list of advice that might make you feel better prepared than I did.
What is Tandem Nursing?

If you breastfeed while pregnant, you might be curious about what happens after your child's birth. Tandem nursing is nursing a new baby while an older child is still nursing. This could happen after being pregnant and having a baby, or after adopting a baby while still feeding your older child. Many factors must be considered and weighed when considering tandem nursing.
You understand the significance of breastfeeding for your relationship with your older child because you are a breastfeeding mama. Before deciding, carefully think about your changing needs before deciding whether to wean him or keep breastfeeding him along with your new baby. This is especially difficult for many mamas. Both options appeal to you at various points in time. If you are still trying to figure out what to do, take each day as it comes. You'll feel more confident that you are making the right choice for you and your child if you receive support as you make your choice.
Whether you desire to wean your children or find it difficult to wean your children, many mamas wind up nursing several children throughout their pregnancy and beyond.
Be prepared to lose milk.

By the second trimester of pregnancy, most women lose most of their milk supply. This is how your body naturally develops a baby. By 14 weeks, I had utterly stopped producing milk. My child and many others nurse through, unlike some children who wean because of milk loss. Others respond well to herbs that can support milk supply, while other mamas manage to keep part of their supply.
Make sure that the baby receives the entire booby.

My slogan had evolved to be, "Trust Your Body and Your Baby." I assumed that when I started to tandem nurse, I would latch each child onto a nipple, and that would be it. More coordination is required than that. Make sure that when your baby is born, he or she latches on to the whole breast and gets the breast that was used most recently. This can aid in ensuring that the baby gets enough milk, along with other factors, including a proper latch.
Discuss this new breastfeeding relationship with your older child.
Be bold and talk about this unique situation. Talk to your older child about the new baby and the fact that the new baby will breastfeed while you are still pregnant. When the new baby comes, it's common for your older child to feel jealous and anxious about the changes. Let them know you understand their feelings and are there for them.
Watch out for nursing anxiety.
I had difficulty nursing because I was pregnant and in my third trimester. You may or may not experience it, but if you do, don't be concerned if you have tremendous emotions when nursing your older child. Just know that you are not alone, whether it is due to hormones or nature making room for a new kid. You may read my tale and how I managed it here.
Specify boundaries for your older child.

You will want to spend some time alone with your infant even if you don't experience nursing anxiety with your older child. Please don't feel bad about it; it's typical. You should restrict the number of feeds per day and the length of feeds for your older child. Encourage them to express their sentiments about watching a newborn nurse all day. Remind them of all the awesome things they can do that a baby cannot, such as run around, eat a variety of foods, and converse. And again, support those emotions!
Make a pillow fort.

It's challenging to settle in while tandem nursing. You will have forgotten what it's like to nurse a newborn after nursing an older child. You'll attempt to carry two people of varying sizes on your body. Make this your nursing station by selecting a stylish rocker or recliner. Pillows, pillows, and more pillows—did I forget to add pillows?
Take lots of pictures.
You don't have to share them online, but you will undoubtedly be amazed by your body's strength and the relationship formed between two people right at your breast. Many mamas have told me they wish they had taken more breastfeeding selfies.
One of your life's most challenging trips is about to begin. Either you'll enjoy it and tandem nurse your older child for years, or you won't and will opt to wean them. You are a wonderful mama in either case, and you should be proud of every accomplishment along the way!