

That Thing About Motherhood

ByEdamama Editorial TeamOctober 25, 2022
Mother sniffing baby's head
Motherhood is undoubtedly a wild ride but one equally as wonderful. Though there are some moments you will just have to experience on your own to see or learn from, such as hearing your child’s first words or seeing them walk for the first time, there are others that you will most likely have to prepare for and what better way to do so than by listening to other moms?
During the 2022 edamama Family Expo, Beauty and Motherhood Content Creator and host, Cerah Hernandez, introduced the EQ “mom-kada” and how the concept of having a mom “barkada” is a good and essential support system that new and seasoned moms alike could benefit from.
Guests of the 2022 Family expo were treated to a short video that featured the four moms of the EQ mom-kada: Gellina (mom of 2 and child expert), Nish (mom of 2 and blogger) Aila (mom of 2 and teacher), and Vanessa (mom of 3 and homemaker) as well as their thoughts and comments about motherhood.
In the video, all four moms agreed that every mother needs to “set aside some time to have time for yourself. You need scheduling”. Each mom gave their opinions and shared stories about what it was like being a first-time mom and how different the experience was with their other children.
But, most importantly, each mom agreed about the importance of having a support system throughout the motherhood journey.
They all decided that even if it is gratifying, it’s not without its challenges, and it can leave any mom exhausted. That’s why the presence of a good support system is key to surviving the trials and challenges motherhood brings.
Cerah also agreed with these four moms. Being a mother herself, she stated that it’s “great having a support system especially when you’re transitioning from a single strong, independent woman to someone going through being a first-time mom.”
Connect Feature
Anyone can be part of a support system, whether it’s your partner, your parents, siblings, friends, medical staff, or fellow moms and parents who have been through what you are going through. The motherhood journey definitely becomes a little less intimidating when you have a good team on your side.
You can find these people all around you, even online! Fellow edamama parents know this and now you can rely on the new Connect feature on the edamama app. So, whether you’re a new mom who needs advice or a seasoned mom who just has a lot of tips and tricks to hand out, you can find a support system there.
Finding people who can listen and relate to you and your experiences no longer has to be difficult as now you can get it with a simple click or tap on the app!
You’re not alone. If you don’t already have a support group, you can rely on fellow parents on the Connect feature. You can ask questions, reach out to fellow parents, and even get advice from those who have already been through the same experiences as you have, all without judgement!
Motherhood is difficult enough, but now, it can get a little easier knowing that others are willing to lend a hand when you need them. Just click on the button to see what it can offer you or how you could go about helping other parents!
Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother. We're here for you, Mama! At edamama, you get to Discover tips, stories, and all things motherhood, Explore opportunities for fun and learning, Connect with experts and fellow mamas, and Shop for your and your little bean’s essentials.