Introducing solids to the baby is one of the major milestones mamas look forward to. But this can be daunting and difficult, especially if you don’t have an idea where and how to start.
Weaning is when your child starts to move from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding to other sources of nourishment. It will require gradual introduction of what will be their adult diet while slowly withdrawing the supply of their mama’s milk.
Make this important transition easier and smoother for you and your baby by using the right strategies that will make the whole process a more positive experience for both of you.

When to start weaning
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the child’s first six months to achieve optimal growth, development, and health. After this point, the child “should be given nutritious complementary foods and continue breastfeeding up to the age of two years or beyond.”
The answer to when you should wean your baby is ultimately dependent on you, mama. Those who need to go back to work, have difficulty in breastfeeding, or have medical issues wean sooner.
Some mamas also consider their child’s condition and readiness when deciding when to start the weaning process. There are indications that tell you that your baby is ready for solids. They can hold their head up, they show interest in food, they can sit upright independently, and they can swallow food.
Be cautious though of introducing solids to your baby before 4 months. Pediatricians suggest waiting until the baby is 6 months old because this is the time your child’s digestive system is mature enough to take solid food. Then again, each baby is different so it's still best to speak to your baby’s doctor.
Tips for gradual weaning
Your baby needs to get used to the change in routine and diet, so give them time to adjust and be ready.
1. Start slowly by reducing how often and how long you breastfeed in a day. Gradual weaning also helps you avoid breast engorgement.
2. Let the dad handle the feeding so the baby does not think about breastfeeding. This will also help father and child to bond.
3. Your breasts have always been a source of comfort for your baby. So during this phase, you can give them other sources of comfort such as plushies and nursery rhymes. It’s also a time to offer them extra cuddles and hugs to maintain that intimacy that comes with nursing.

How to start weaning
It’s an incredibly exciting time for your baby as they will start trying new tastes and textures!
What you feed your little one during the first few days of complementary feeding matters. Introduce soft foods slowly, such as mashed fruits and vegetables. Some mamas recommend putting a drop or two of your breast milk onto the pureed food.
You can also feed them finger foods like soft fruit that they can hold and pick up from their plate or feeding table. Avoid food that your baby can choke on, such as grapes and cherry tomatoes.
For some mamas, they find that baby-led weaning is more beneficial than the traditional spoon feeding. It helps develop good eating behaviors and reduces the chances of your child developing picky eating habits.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Let your child try one single-ingredient food at a time at first. This helps you see if your child has any problems with that food, such as food allergies. Wait 3 to 5 days between each new food. Before you know it, your child will be on his or her way to eating and enjoying lots of new foods.”
It will be very messy — but that’s okay, mama. Remember that this is a time for discovering and experimentation! Your child is learning to be familiar with new tastes and textures.
Having said all of these, it’s important to remember that weaning is a personal decision. As with everything, choose what’s best for you and your baby.