Hearing your child mention “I don’t feel like going to school today” is enough of a concern for any parent. It could be that there is something wrong with them - perhaps an upset stomach or a mild fever? Or it could be something else they would want to talk to you about. Your child’s physical and mental health is your priority, so keeping them at home will be the best thing you can do for them.
Here are 5 signs to watch out for so you can tell if your kid is too sick for school.

High Temperature
Your kid having a high temperature can lead to a fever. Once that happens, school is out of the day's checklist. Better get your child the proper medication to combat the potential fever. Letting them stay for the day as another course of action goes a long way. After all, you don't want your kid to spread the virus throughout the school.

Coughing is a common thing among children of all ages. You can never tell when or where it will happen. However, if your child suffers from continuous coughing, you might want to reconsider letting them go to school. Everyone knows coughing can cause a child to have other issues, such as less sleep at night, breathing problems, etc. That is why you must consult your doctor for the appropriate course of action.
However, you can send your kid to school if the cough is not too severe.

Diarrhea can be very troublesome for your kid. If they have it, it is best to keep them at home. You will need to monitor their behavior. Plus, you have to keep your child hydrated.

Aches and Pains
Your child might also complain about pain throughout their body. This aspect includes headaches, stomach aches, earaches, and so on. It may also be any kind of bodily pain. Never think twice about sending them to school once that happens. These symptoms might mean your child's defense mechanisms are trying to combat the flu or fever.

Vomiting can have several causes. It might be that your child has eaten something that their body cannot process well. Or perhaps it can be due to a sickness about to happen. Keep your kid at home, especially if they experience something else, such as diarrhea.
You can wait a day or two until the vomiting ceases. Call your doctor or health physician once your child is not yet clear of vomiting after a couple of days. Doing so prevents any complications, and you can take the appropriate action to combat the condition.
Something Else
There are also times when your child does not want to go to school because of other issues. It could be that they are not mentally up for the task. Perhaps someone is bullying them at school - calling them names, insults, etc. It works best to find out if that is the case. You might not solve the problem immediately, however, it allows you to look for a way to get your child back up on their toes.3