Life can be overwhelming even on good days. What more if you’re a mom who has a litany of things that needs to be done?
In today’s always-on culture with a “hustle here, hustle there” mentality, slowing down is sometimes not an option, most especially for mamas who need to juggle work and responsibilities at home, oftentimes at the expense of their health and wellbeing.
We feel you, mama! When you feel like there’s so much going on and that you can’t handle it anymore, consider these reminders to reclaim your inner peace.
1. Learn proper breathing techniques.
According to Harvard Medical School, breath control helps us manage our response to stress. “Breath focus helps you concentrate on slow, deep breathing and aids you in disengaging from distracting thoughts and sensations.”
Deep breathing helps you turn down your response to stressful thoughts and situations. Learn how to use it as a relaxation technique and enjoy its many benefits when you attend the Breathing Techniques virtual workshop by The Third Eye Wellness.
2. Exercise.
Not only is exercise good for your body, it’s also a great way to release stress after an overwhelming day. While rest can obviously provide you with relaxation, it’s also worth noting that exercise can also be relaxing. This is because endorphins, the neurochemicals that help minimize discomfort and bring about feelings of euphoria and general well-being, are released when you work up a sweat.

Exercise also boosts your confidence and sense of control. Meet other fit and active mamas who enjoy yin yoga, circuit training, mat Pilates, and Vinyasa yoga at Move & Flow fitness classes. Or if you want a more exhilarating activity that combines conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements, check out Pound’s drumming-based cardio workout.
3. Soothe your senses.
Another trick to calm yourself is to calm your senses. Light a chamomile-scented candle or add a few drops of lavender to your diffuser—both scents can help you relax and sleep better.
4. Listen to music.
Disconnect for a little while and tune in to your favorite melodies. You can even dance or sing along. Listening to music has a relaxing effect on your mind and body. For a more soothing experience, try playing classical or instrumental ones.
5. Grab a spoon and enjoy your comfort food.
Of course, we don’t recommend stress eating to combat those feelings of fear or frustration. Just like with anything, moderation is key. The goal is to relieve stress without overeating. Do not allow stress to affect your appetite and your waistline.
It won’t hurt though to grab a bite or two (again, “moderation”) of certain foods that help make you feel better when you’re in a bad mood. Treat yourself to Gelato Manila’s premium homemade gelato or The Artsy Baker’s sugar cookies.
6. Do something you love.
With a seemingly endless list of things to do, it’s really difficult to set aside a time to do the things that you are passionate about or just simply enjoy. In case you need a reminder, here it is: you deserve time for yourself and for your well being, mama!
Whether it’s to read a good book, spend some precious alone time with your plant babies in the garden, or take professional self-development classes, ticking off one item at a time in your “me-time bucket list” will make you one happy mom.
7. Learn to love your postpartum body.
Being pregnant and giving birth are amazing experiences, but the changes it did to our bodies can be frustrating for some, that they struggle to smile while looking at themselves in the mirror. Hence, it’s important to remind yourself that these stretch marks are your battle scars, and that your body just did something incredible, so you should be proud of yourself.
The Body Love, Self-Love workshop by the The Third Eye Wellness will further help you love and appreciate your body for what it is, and will help you achieve the body you want.
8. Talk to a family member or someone you trust.
Dealing with your overwhelming feelings alone can leave you feeling more tired and frustrated. It’s important to have a support system—in your family and your social circle—who you can open up to.
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