I can see how much you’re trying to be the best you could be: the best provider, the best source of strength, the best padre de familia, the best husband, and the best father. You don’t always hear it, but this Valentine’s Day, we want to show you just how much we love you.
Papa, thank you for Loving us unconditionally. Thank you for showing us what love means – it is selfless, it is gentle, it is kind, sometimes, it can even be tough, but ultimately, it knows no bounds.
Thank you for Owning up to your responsibilities. It’s not easy to raise a family, especially in this economy, but you do your best to provide us with all of our wants and needs and for that, we will forever be grateful. More importantly, thank you for being so hands-on – for joining in on the sleepless nights, for being present in all our milestones, and for being the most supportive dad. Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for being our family’s Visionary. You have so many hopes and dreams for us, and as you work hard to make those dreams come true, we’re grateful that you don’t forget about the “now.” Thank you for being a present papa; for putting down your phone to talk to us during dinner, for doing play time no matter how tired you are from work, and for showering mama with love and hugs even on her worst days.
Papa, you mean Everything to us. This Valentine’s Day, we hope you feel all the love from us because you deserve just that and more. You’re doing great, papa. In fact, we think you’re the best! You set the standard for how a great man should be, and we’re so lucky to have you. We hope that every day, you get to live life as you please. May it be filled with happiness, love, and everything you desire to have. May you always be safe, and may you always remember that we are with you all the way.
We love you, papa! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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