
Play & Learn

Beat Back-To-School Blues With These Tips

ByHannah MalateAugust 9, 2022
kid back at school
When the COVID-19 pandemic began in the country, families were forced to adapt to the simultaneous shifts in the education landscape no one was familiar with—remote learning and changes in schedules being the prime examples.
Now, after more than two years of learning from home, we have yet to adjust again to a more structured learning environment in a face-to-face setting. What used to be a familiar territory is now something most families are navigating with extra caution. And while this is an exciting change, this can also cause unwanted stress and anxiety even to the best of us. So if you or your child is feeling anxious about getting used to new routines again, fret not. You are not alone. That’s why we are here to introduce simple tips to help your family smoothly transition to the next school year, and get through this period of change with as little friction as possible:
1. Put routines in place.
Just like adults, children fear the unknown and feel more confident and secure when things are predictable. While change is important in life, it can also create a lot of added stress for children. Routine helps to reduce this stress and brings with it a feeling of normalcy—something our children were deprived of for a long time.
How: Involve your kids in planning their daily schedules. Have them physically write down their schedule and display it somewhere where it’s visible to all family members.
2. If possible, visit the school a few times before school starts.
Whether your child is just beginning preschool or starting a new school year as a returning student, it’s important to acclimate them to the new surroundings. Let your child freely roam around the classrooms and explore the different toys and materials lying around. This trip can also open doors to discuss important topics like classroom rules and new health protocols.
Additional tip: Feel free to get to know their teacher and ask for tips on how to make the transition smoother for your child... and for you as a parent, too! 
3. Read books about going back to school.
Books are a great way to introduce school expectations to your child. This is because they can easily relate to characters and language being used in story books. You can check out these confidence-boosting books for starters:
4. Go school supplies shopping (with your child!).
Kids adjust better in school when parents involve them in a routine setting, including shopping for the necessary school supplies they would need. This can also be an opportunity for you as a parent to teach basic financial literacy and the difference between wants and needs.
Start shopping early and look for the best deals. Check out these back-to-school must-haves available on edamama!
5. Acknowledge and talk about their big feelings.
Back-to-school blues is normal. Many kids may feel anxious about going back to school after what felt like a pretty long “summer” break. The best way to address this is simply by talking to them. No forcing. Take it slow. Listen without judgment. Validate their feelings and always make an effort to be present.
Remember: Children can easily pick up on their parents' nonverbal cues. When you feel anxious about sending your child to school, they will probably sense that and mirror those emotions as well. In contrast, the more calm and prepared you are for the incoming school year, the more secure and confident your child will be.
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