
Play & Learn

How Mamas Can Stay Healthy and Fit at Home

ByJerni Camposano-GomezOctober 20, 2022
mama and child exercising at home
We often ask ourselves how we can become the best mama we can be to our little bean. While there is an array of answers to this, one tip always stands out: do not forget to take care of yourself.
You need to care for yourself to be able to nurture and nourish a tiny human being. Motherhood is hard work, especially when you are at home with the kids almost 24/7. You have to be healthy enough to face parenting challenges head on—and we’re not just talking about carrying a baby (although you need to be strong enough to do this).
In order to stay sane while performing the great balancing act of running a household, looking after the kids, and caring for yourself, stay-at-home mamas need lots of energy, good mood, and a cheerful disposition. You can achieve all these if you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Yes, it’s possible, mama! You just have to make time to do any or all of the following:
1. Exercise with your child.
Staying indoors most of the time is never an excuse not to keep moving. Lay a mat on the floor and start working out using home gym equipment. Sweating it out becomes more fun when your little one joins you. You can always turn to YouTube for safe and simple exercises you can do with your mini me. Oh, you can even wear matching outfits!
2. Always opt for healthy options during meals and snack time.
As the family’s masterchef, you have control over what everyone will be eating. Try your best to always prepare healthy dishes. By doing so, you ensure you are eating right and starting your kids on the path of healthy eating early on. Since you will also be snacking frequently while in the house, choose more nutritious options and avoid junk food.
3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
With the many things to do at home, stay-at-home mamas even forget their water intake. Find ways to remind yourself to drink water to keep you hydrated—and your skin moisturized too! One trick is to ensure your water bottle is within easy access so you can take a sip anytime you need to.
4. Forget not your self-care activities and routine.
Do not feel guilty over doing something for yourself. Treat yourself to things you love every now and then. Whether it’s a relaxing spa massage, long hot showers, or a yoga session, such activities help boost your mood and make you one happy and healthy mama.
5. Ask for and accept help.
You cannot do everything all at once. When it feels overwhelming, consider asking for help. Request your partner or a trusted relative to look after the kids if you need a timeout or want to exercise or work out.
6. Remember to drink your vitamins.
Multivitamins help boost your immune system and support your nutritional requirements. Model the behavior of drinking vitamins to encourage your little ones to do the same.
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