
Play & Learn

Living with Pets and Children – Everything You Need to Know!

ByMonica OtayzaJune 22, 2022
"Mama, can I please get a puppy for my birthday?" "Mama, I'm going to ask Santa for a bunny!" Mamas, are you at that point in life where your kids are begging you for a pet? Having a pet is a big responsibility that parents are often scared to take on.
However, having a pet can also become a special part of many kids' lives. With proper parental involvement, responsibility, and planning, taking care of a family pet could be a positive experience that everyone could enjoy.
A child who cares for an animal and treats it kindly, patiently, and lovingly is also being trained to treat people the same way. There's also no better partnership than a kid and their pet, as it provides them with love, loyalty, and a lot of happiness.
Although having a pet is not for everyone, you might be able to relate when I say how much fascination we felt towards animals as a kid. Whether dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, or fish, animals often represent something completely magical to most children.
Here are some tips to make the process seamless for the entire family:
Prepare the Household
Before bringing a new pet into your home, it's essential to prepare your kids, home, and yourself to ensure you are all happy and stress-free. When first introducing a new pet to your children, make sure to supervise interactions between them.
Do not leave babies and small children unattended with a new pet. Puppies and kittens can especially play rough, and a bit of scratching and play biting may ensue.
Teach and model to children on how to approach a pet properly, read its body language, and pet them appropriately so that the pets do not misinterpret the child's approach as dangerous.
Give Them Time
In the same way that children need time to adjust to living with a new pet, pets also need some time to adapt. A pet needs to properly adjust to its new environment and feel secure and comfortable around its new family.
The excitement that kids may show towards the new pet could be stressful to the animal. Let the pets adjust first, and ask the kids to cooperate by observing how the animal reacts towards young and old people before allowing them to interact.
Let Your Kids Help
While interacting with your new pet needs adult supervision, allow your kid to take responsibility for the little things, like adding water to your pet's bowl or preparing the pet's bed. Allowing your little one to help with small obligations preps them for more significant roles in the future.
Set Ground Rules
It is essential to have rules for both your pet and your child. Examples include having a clear idea of what your pet should and shouldn't eat and where it should sleep, play, and relieve itself.
Likewise, children need a set of rules in place when it comes to interacting with pets. They should ask permission when interacting with them, and parents should assist in play activities. It's also important for kids to know when to approach a pet and when it should be left alone. For example, pets who are sleeping or eating are best left alone.
The Pros
Kids Learn Responsibility, Respect, and Compassion
Having a pet teaches kids responsibility and develops their nurturing side as they become caretakers. It also teaches them to respect life and nature and helps them create a sense of compassion towards others, whether people or other living things.
Less Screen-Time for Kids
Having a pet could lessen your child's screen time, given they'd want to spend more time with their furry friend. This could increase children's activity level, making them more active and reducing the risk of childhood obesity and diabetes.
Reduce stress for Mama and Kids
Pets are proven to soothe and relieve stress in people. Studies have shown that children who sleep with their pets have added mental and physical benefits. It has also been said that during the pandemic, furmamas sought comfort in the presence of their pet babies.
The Cons
Risk of Allergies
Before taking a pet in, it is important to see whether anyone in the house is allergic. There's nothing more heartbreaking than bringing home a pet, only to realize you have to let them go due to someone being allergic.
Time Investment
Although most parents get pets for their children, adults have an added responsibility to ensure that both the children and pets live together harmoniously. At times, children can tire of taking primary care of their pets, and adults would need to do the heavy lifting. Make sure you can take in the added responsibility of caring for your pet before getting one.
Additional Responsibilities
Owning a pet is a big responsibility, much like having another child. There are vaccinations, vitamins, grooming, and other pet supplies to think of. Pet food alone is a recurring expense you'd need to add to your budget and shopping list. Mamas who decide to have furbabies in their house too really need to simplify their shopping routines to cater to all members of the household. At edamama, we are already thinking of ways to help mama have everything she needs all the in the app, so she has more time for herself.
Living harmoniously with pets and children is possible. However, it needs a certain amount of control and responsibility from parents. Parents must oversee the entire household and ensure both pets and children are well cared for.
At the end of the day, parents serve as their children's primary role models. Children learn about responsible pet ownership by observing their parents' behaviors and are likely to emulate this not just towards their pets but also to people around them as they grow up.
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