Our children’s safety is our priority as parents. But no matter how much we try to protect our little ones, they will eventually grow up and explore the bigger world. When they are outside, it’s hard to keep a watchful eye over them, making it more challenging to shield them from danger and potential hazards.
Keep them out of harm’s way by teaching them these safety rules.
1. Know your parents’ complete names and contact information. Doing so will help them in the event of any emergency. Have them memorize these details.
2. Do not open the door for strangers. If your kids are old enough to be home alone (although still not encouraged), teach them to keep the doors locked at all times and that it is important to always know who is at the door before letting them in. If they are not familiar faces, keep the door closed.
3. Be careful when crossing the street. Younger kids should have an adult with them when they cross the street. For the older ones, teach them to use the pedestrian and to look both ways before crossing. More importantly, they should put gadgets down when doing so as these serve as distractions.
4. No one is allowed to touch your body without your consent. Teach them clearly about every body part so they can let you know if they feel uncomfortable about anyone touching any of these parts. Remind them that they have total control over their body, and show them the difference between good touch and bad touch.
5. Never keep secrets from your parents. Train your child at an early age not to keep secrets from you and that it’s never okay when other people—be it a relative or friend—to ask them to do so. Affirm them that they can always come to you for anything.

6. Do not get into the water without an adult. Kids get excited when they see a pool or bathtub. They should always be monitored by an adult at all times because children can drown in just a few inches of water.
7. It’s never okay to play with fire. These little ones are naturally curious but do not know the danger that awaits them when they experiment with fire. So tell them to never play with matches or gas lighters, even in the presence of an adult.
8. Stay where you are when you get lost or separated from your parents. They should remain calm and stay where they are until their parents get to them. Tell them that should they decide to seek help, do so from a woman with children, nearest information counter or help center, or a police officer.
9. Pay attention to allergies. If your kid is allergic to a certain food or item, ensure that they are educated about it so they know what to look out for and stay away from.
10. Steer clear of the medicine cabinet. This should not be within easy reach of children to avoid accidental overdose or taking the wrong medicine. Medicines should only be given by their parents or a trusted guardian.
11. Be careful with your online activities. While the internet allows them to connect, learn, and play, there’s no denying that the online world is not the safest space for them. So it’s best not to share personal information online.