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The Pros & Cons of Letting Your Baby Use a Pacifier

ByMica ValledorJanuary 20, 2023
asian baby using pacifier
When weighing the benefits and drawbacks of pacifiers and trying to decide which is best for your kid and his or her particular needs, it's quite normal to feel conflicted or confused. Now, whether or not we can categorize a pacifier as "good" or "bad" depends on you and your baby, as every case is different.
There is no "black or white" solution to using pacifiers, there are benefits to using a pacifier and there could also be pacifier side effects. It's possible that you have a sibling who swears by using a pacifier with their infant because it's occasionally the only thing that can soothe or quiet the child. Alternatively, you can have acquaintances who advise against using pacifiers because they say it can be difficult to break the habit or because they had a negative experience with them.
The reality is that every infant is completely unique, as are their demands. If you're a new mother or expecting mother, the health of your child is without a doubt your first priority, and you want your child to develop normally on both a physical and emotional level. There are many different viewpoints and beliefs out there regarding pacifiers and varying pacifier questions like is pacifier good for newborn babies? In this article, we’ve listed some pros and cons about using a pacifier for your mamas to consider, as well as other useful information. Read on to find out more!
Should I Give My Baby A Pacifier?
While this is entirely up to you, mama, you can definitely attempt giving a pacifier to your little one. Pacifiers can be an important part helping your babies fuss less, whether your baby is fussy or needs assistance falling asleep at night.
However, some infants don't seem to care about them, particularly if they discover their thumb or their fingers first. Additionally, there are some drawbacks to pacifiers, so consider both the advantages and disadvantages before making the best choice for your infant.
When To Give Pacifiers
Before introducing a pacifier, it's ideal to wait until your infant has mastered nursing. This often happens by the time they reach 3 or 4 weeks of age. That's because breastfeeding uses a different sucking technique than sucking on a pacifier.
The Pros
Some babies find that using a pacifier keeps them happy in between feedings. These are some of the benefits of giving a pacifier newborn babies:
Offers a Temporary Distraction
Sometimes, babies will need a distraction to help them shift their focus from things like getting their booster shots, blood tests, and other procedures. Having a pacifier, like this pacifier babyflo, can help keep your baby from fussing by offering them a welcome distraction. Little ones are found to be happiest when they’re sucking on something, so having a pacifier on-hand can actually be quite handy, especially duing doctors visits.
Eases Discomfort During Flights
During flights, pressure drops and changes significantly. As adults, we can easily “pop” our ears to relieve the pressure building up in our ears by swallowing or yawning. However, little babies are unable to pop their ears on their own. This is where having a pacifier could be helpful. When you have a baby on board and there’s a shift in cabin pressure, you can give them a pacifier so that they can have help popping their ears.
If you’re looking for a pacifier to bring along with you during a flight, you can choose something like this pacifier avent option. It comes in colorful designs and easy to store. So, it’s less hassling for mamas as it provides entertainment for your little one as well as comfort.
Can Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
The most common cause of mortality for infants under one year old is SIDS. According to studies, using a pacifier while sleeping lowers the incidence of SIDS. Not only would this benefit your kid, but it will also ease your mind at night knowing that they are resting in a safer environment.
They’re Disposable
You can simply dispose of the pacifiers once you decide that it’s time for your baby to stop using them. There will come a time when you’ll have to ween your little ones off it and, when that time comes, you can just throw the pacifier in the trash. This is one thing that should not be shared so, once your baby is at that stage when they no longer need a pacifier, you can just throw it out.
The Cons
As with any product, parents will always wonder about the pacifier side effects or any disadvantages there may be to using a pacifier. Is pacifier good for newborn babies? While there may be great advantages, there are also some negative sides such as the ones listed here:
Babies Develop Dependency
Some newborns are quick to give up their pacifiers and have little trouble doing so. Some people might require extra time to say goodbye. This happens because pacifiers provide comfort to babies who grow hooked to them. If your little one sleeps with a pacifier, you may experience nighttime screaming fits when the pacifier accidentally falls out of your baby's mouth.
You and your little one will have to learn to compromise during the weaning process, but with love and persistence, you can support your baby in achieving this joyous milestone.
This May Disrupt Breastfeeding
If you're breastfeeding, you might hold off on giving your little ones a pacifier until he or she is three to four weeks old and you've established a nursing schedule. Unrestricted pacifier usage only doesn’t affect breastfeeding schedules if you can ensure that your baby sticks to the feeding schedule and that using a pacifier doesn’t substitute feeding times.
A Pacifier Can Affect Teeth Development
Pacifier use has been related to dental and speech problems, as well as a higher risk of ear infections, with continued use. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and speech-language pathologists advise beginning the pacifier weaning process between six and twelve months of age and completing it before the child is three (at the latest).
You know your little ones the best. So, if you believe that giving your baby a pacifier is a good idea, then explore your options and think about which one would be most appropriate. There are many different types of pacifiers available, including ones made of 100% silicone, extra-small sizes for infants, and pacifiers made exclusively for use at night or during the day. There are a ton of pacifier options that are perfect for the different stages of your baby’s growth so you’re sure to find one that works for them.
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