Making new memories with the entire family is a wonderful experience filled with priceless memories. However, it can be quite a challenge that involves sleepless nights trying to plan ahead and think of all the possible ways it could go south.
While taking vacations with toddlers can be tiring, it can be enlightening and even eye-opening for children of all ages. Well-traveled children learn from the new food they taste, the new sights they see, and the new experiences they can enjoy while on a trip. What’s even better is the quality family time that everyone can cherish for years to come.
We’ve rounded up the tried-and-tested travel gear must-haves that mamas swear by, which you should definitely take with you on your next trip, whether it be locally or internationally.
1.) A Lightweight Stroller
Trips mean a whole lot of walking for both mama and bub. Having a lightweight stroller with you, like the Anko Runabout Stroller, can save you a lot of energy by simply pushing your little one along to where you’re supposed to go.
2.) Travel Luggage Ride-On
For long haul trips, having a Travel Luggage Ride-On can be a lifesaver in more ways than one. Have your little one sit on the B. Toys On the Gogo, Woofer – Travel Luggage Ride-On while you’re walking around a busy airport, and use it as additional legroom for your little one to lie down on an economy long-haul flight. What makes it even better is the fact that it’s a spacious luggage bag that fits your little one’s essentials such as clothes, diapers, snacks, and toys!
3.) A Trusty Baby Carrier
Whether we like it or not, our little one won’t be open to being strapped in a stroller all day long. Having a baby carrier with you can allow you to enjoy trips hands-free while keeping your little one aged 0 to 3 strapped close to you. The BabyBjorn Baby Carrier ONE AIR, Mesh is a mama-favorite option that’s been tried and tested on many travels.
4.) A Portable Feeding Set
You never know when hunger can strike while on vacation. Have a portable Mini Lunchbox with you, and an Insulated Drinking Bottle that can easily refresh and re-energize your little one while out and about.
More than the baby gear you should have with you on your trip, there are still a lot of things to consider when planning your next family adventure. Run through this quick guide to make sure you’ve got everything covered:
1.) Make it a Kid-Friendly Flight/Ride

When booking your trip, be sure to make it as kid-friendly as possible to avoid hiccups along the way. If you’re booking a flight, try to book a bulkhead seat for some extra legroom for the entire family to enjoy. This is especially important for long-haul flights, where you’re likely to have your little ones lie down for a good rest while on the plane. Pack some toys, snacks, busy books, and art materials to keep them entertained, so that you don’t need to rely on giving them screentime the entire trip.
2.) Allow Kids to Release their Energy

While trips can mean a lot of walking and touring, it’s important to keep your little one’s interests piqued. In-between strapping them in strollers for walks, leave them some down time to enjoy a park or a pool whenever possible for them to release and refuel their energy.
3.) Ensure They’re Healthy Months Ahead

Although everyone wants to enjoy a good family trip once in a while, your little one’s health and safety should be of top importance. Visit their pediatrician weeks before the trip to make sure they are up-to-date with their immunizations. It is also best to consult your pediatrician on what medicines and supplements you should be bringing with you on your trip.
4.) Pack Light

I know what you’re thinking, mama. How can one possibly pack LIGHT with a toddler in tow? While this can be a struggle, it’s possible to and even advisable to pack light on family vacations. Instead of having one suitcase per member of the family, it may be wise to have only one or two large family suitcases for efficiency.
Pack your clothes in packing cubes, and vacuum-seal bulky clothes to save up on luggage space. Having only one or two suitcases can save you a lot of time, and can make caring for your little ones a lot easier while on a trip.
5.) Try to Keep Your Kids’ Schedule

Schedules are important for infants and toddlers up to two years old. It’s important to keep them as close to their eating and sleeping schedules as possible in order to enjoy more of your days while on vacation.
6.) Remember the Reason You’re on Vacation

It can be stressful to even just think about taking your little ones on a trip, and this can distract you from the reason why you’re taking them on a trip in the first place: for some quality time together! While traveling with kids is challenging, it’s definitely a worthwhile experience that you’ll enjoy looking back at in the future. Make sure to take it all in, enjoy the sights, live in the present, and take lots of pictures of you and your family while on your vacation. Enjoy, and make the most of every moment. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed!