Parenting comes in different forms and theses days, a different but similar approach to being a working parent is being a furparent to little angels in animal form. Check out 8 furparents from edamama and their cute children. 🐶💕
1.) Dara with Cara, Bailey and Pamie

My doggos are my favorite beings in this world. Cara (left) is a Jack Russel Terrier an she was given to me last 2019 before the pandemic and I fell in love instantly... She's very naughty and energetic. Pamie is my sister's Bichon Frise, a very posh and snooty puppy who's very lound and talkative. She loves going on motorcyle rides. Last but not least, Bailey is a Border Collie - Husky mix. She's the kindest dog I've ever had. Very disciplined and proper until you accidentally leave the gate and she runs around our neighborhood. Don't worry though, she goes back home by herself cause she's 100% impossible to catch once she gets out.
2.) Harsha with Woofer

Woofer is a rescue who was taken in temporarily by a family long with his 3 brothers. He came into my life on Jan 1, 2021 as a self given new year present when he was 40 days old and the rest is history. He is a very introverted and yet super naughty Indian pariah with extremely expressive eyes.
3.) Lyka with Scottie

Scottie truly loves the outdoors. He looks forward to going on his daily walks, and when inside the house, he loves to just sit by the window and watch. Scottie is also very playful, and one of his favorite games is "hide and seek." He is also very gentle, especially around kids, and enjoys being around people.
4.) Con with Benny

Photo of the day my friend brought Benny to us, spent weeks of doing lots of parinig and telling my little girl to tell her dad and lolo that she wants a dog but it was actually me who wants to take this little furbaby home. And now he’s all settled, the family loves him like our 2nd baby. My little girl would even call him brother dog, and so happy to see that she also takes care of him. (She would even cry at night cos she wants to hug him before going to sleep)
5.) Ila with Chico

His name is Chico, he's the cutest long coat chihuahua you'll ever meet. He's my bestie, buddy and the love of my life. He's a champion breed – makes it easy for me to train him tricks which he also knows a lot of! his fave keywords are: Tara! (lets go), Sama ka? (come with) and Snack. We enjoy cuddles after a long day of work - the best stress reliever. I treasure every year with him. He may not be the friendliest but at least I have someone I can rely on to protect me.
6.) Anna with Chessie

Chessie is a very cute 9 month old Labrador. Some of her favorite hobbies are going on walks and playing with her many toys. We love her a lot even if another past time she enjoys is stealing ours socks.
7.) Justine with Lily and Olie

Lily is an extrovert who likes going out and socializing with other dogs, while Olie is more of an introvert who prefers staying in and mingling with dogs he’s already familiar with.
8.) Pam with Hachi

Hachi is my 7-month old lionlop rabbit that I got for myself as a reward for landing my edamama job! I love dressing her up in clothes (a true fashionista) and when she's not being mischievous (tearing the paint off my walls), she loves head rubs + eating! She's perfect for my family because she's not noisy and you don't need to take her out for walks. She's a ball of fur and super easy to love.
Don't forget to check out our socials to see more pets this World Animal Day. Always remember to take care of animals no matter how big or small.