Sourcebooks, Inc. 8 Little Planets (Board Book)
About Sourcebooks, Inc. 8 Little Planets (Board Book)
Sourcebooks is a creative organization that publishes extraordinary authors and unique books with readers in mind. Noted for strong publicity and marketing efforts on behalf of its authors and retail partners, Sourcebooks is particularly noted for its innovative approaches to the publishing of books. The company has been instrumental in the creation of new publishing models that are helping transform the book industry.
From Neptune to Mercury, the solar system is filled with wonder. This delightfully fun, fact-filled planetary tale from the creator of the Baby University series celebrates the uniqueness of each planet and its happy place in our solar system. Old slow Neptune looks a bit behind. Orbits the Sun takes an awfully long time. But the 8th little planet doesn't need to worry. It spins on its axis in a really big hurry! Vibrant, joyful art, playful verse, and a fun die-cut shape are sure to have astronomers of all ages celebrating their own uniqueness while they party with the planets. 8 Little Planets (Board Book) by Chris Ferrie.
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