Nestogen 2 Infant Formula For Children 6-12 Months (2kg)
About Nestogen 2 Infant Formula For Children 6-12 Months (2kg)
NESTOGEN® is a lactose-free formula that contains protein that comes from cow's milk and has been adapted to match the nutrients in breast milk. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies up to 2 years of age and beyond. It contains all the nutrients needed by infants during this period of rapid growth and development. There is no substitute for breastmilk.
NESTOGEN® 2 is a follow-up formula milk suitable for infants from 6 to 12 months of age. It's a great choice when your baby is ready to leave breastmilk behind. The protein source is cow's milk, and it's fortified with vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamin D. Follow preparation instructions exactly. You'll know your baby is getting the best when you see how well he or she tolerates this formula! Breastmilk is the best for babies up to 2 years of age and beyond. There is no substitute for breastmilk. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Always hold the baby while feeding. Leaving the baby unattended may cause choking. As soon as the baby is old enough, replace the bottle with a feeding cup. Follow-up formula should not be introduced before 6 months of age because it lacks important antibodies found in breastmilk that protect babies from infections during their first year of life—which means if you introduce it too early, there could be problems down the road!

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