

Scholastic 10 True Tales: World War 11 Heroes By Allan Zullo

Scholastic 10 True Tales: World War 11 Heroes By Allan Zullo
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About Scholastic 10 True Tales: World War 11 Heroes By Allan Zullo

Scholastic is the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books, connecting educators and families through accessibility, engagement, and expertise. They are a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services, and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and popular children’s media.


Jack Lucas—just a teenager—is on patrol in Iwo Jima when two grenades land at his feet. Can he save his comrades’ lives? Lt. Col. James Rudder and his Rangers are climbing a 100-foot-high cliff on a secret D-Day mission. Can they survive the Nazis’ devastating firepower? Sgt. Forrest Vosler is blinded and wounded from an attack by German fighter planes on his crippled bomber. Can he make it home? The world was saved by these and many more real-life heroes.

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