

Scholastic 39 Clues: Cahill Files: The Spymasters By: Clifford Riley

Scholastic 39 Clues: Cahill Files: The Spymasters By: Clifford Riley
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About Scholastic 39 Clues: Cahill Files: The Spymasters By: Clifford Riley

Scholastic is the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books, connecting educators and families through accessibility, engagement, and expertise. They are a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services, and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and popular children’s media.


In 1814, redcoats burned the White House to the ground. In 1889, Harry Houdini discovered a trick that would save his life. In 1955, the U.S. launched the world's first nuclear submarine. And one family pulled the strings behind the scenes at each of these events: the Cahills, the most powerful family the world has ever known. Now the Cahills have opened their vault and secrets are pouring out. This book contains three of them, three stories that will change history as we know it forever. Flee alongside a young Cahill as Washington burns, unlock Houdini's magic, and stow away with young Fiske Cahill on a desperate mission that could cost his life. Venture into the vault if you dare. But don't say we didn't warn you.

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