Brille Petit Teacher Vicky: The Life Story of Victoria Bonanza Anastacio Coralejo - 2nd Ed.
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About Brille Petit Teacher Vicky: The Life Story of Victoria Bonanza Anastacio Coralejo - 2nd Ed.
Brille Petit is a Filipino literary imprint that publishes creative works of fiction and non-fiction for kids and kids-at-heart.
""Teacher Vicky"" is a storybook about a young woman overcoming the challenges of life to become one of the most inspiring teachers in the Philippines. With its new illustrations and artistic design, the second edition of the storybook revisits the journey and success of Vicky, a teacher whose love does not stop inside the classroom but radiates further out to her family and the society. This storybook is suited for readers aged 7 to 10. Brille Petit's story books and picture books are sized 0.02 cm x 20.5 cm x 23 cm, and uses laminated cover and glossy paper.

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