Infantino Zip Ergonomic Travel Carrier
About Infantino Zip Ergonomic Travel Carrier
Infantino loves babies, they adore kids, they admire their parents and they work hard to create a lot of really cool stuff to keep them happy and help them grow together. They’re Infantino, and happy parents and little ones are what they’re about. They design smartly, they have fun, and they’re overjoyed when an idea evolves full circle; into a product loved & used daily by parents, like you, everywhere.
This stash and dash carrier is always ready when you need it. When not in use, tuck the carrier into a convenient zippered pocket in its own waist belt! Wear as a fanny pack, messenger bag or stow it in your diaper bag. The Zip is a full-featured carrier with padded shoulder straps and a wide waist belt. The wide, ergonomic seat supports baby from knee-to-knee with a naturally rounded back for a safe and comfy ride. Perfect for trips to the park, family vacations and more.

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